Opening to a vibrant and centered connection with the body, feeling rooted and powerful. 

Do you feel disconnected from your body, and specifically your pelvic area, your womb, your vulva, your vagina. Do you have a feeling, that there is something not flowing, that there is more potential, but you don’t know exactly how to reach that. Or do you experience pain during intercourse or when you have your period?

Are you in the preconception phase and would you love support to create the space for new life entering? Or maybe postpartum, not feeling the connection anymore. Experiencing numbness or tension. Did you experience a birthloss or an abortion and do you feel it is not full circle yet? 

There are many signs that your pelvic area needs care.

Every woman can experience:

  • More flow in your body and feeling that flow ripples into your life

  • More safety as a felt sense 

  • More pleasure, both in life and intimacy 

  • Less painful periods and more space to surrender

  • Enjoying sexuality to a greater experience

  • More strength and balance in your root and core

Holistic Pelvic Care

In a Pelvic Care Session, I offer Holistic Pelvic Care™ (HPC). HPC is a holistic practice, working with physical and energetic tools to restore balance and enhance vibrant flow in the pelvic bowl of the female body by working with a woman’s core patterns. The pelvic bowl is the area of the pelvis, holding the female organs like the ovaries and the womb. 

As a HPC practitioner, I have worked with many women in the last few years. Through working with both the physical layers in the pelvic bowl, as well as the energetics of it, I have guided many women to reconnect with their root, their creativity and innate power. Rediscovering the potential that resides in the female body. 

What does a session look like

We start with an intake, to learn more about your pelvic history and patterns. We then explore your relation with your pelvic bowl and then go through the anatomy of it, as a start of creating awareness and exploring the area. 

The session continues with exploring boundaries, desires and the connection between you and me. We sometimes feel a “yes” with our head, but a “no” or “not yet” with our body. The invitation is to listen to these messages and be really honest to ourselves. We will work with this, until more intimate touch feels like a full yes. 

If thats doesn’t happen, we continue with touch and energetics that do feel like a yes, or continue being present with the body’s needs in another way. Nothing is good or bad. We work with what is there and can stop at any point. Feeling and expressing a boundary is a very important skill in our life, so if this comes up, I honor you and celebrate it with you. 

If we continue with a combination of external touch and internal touch of the pelvic floor, I work with the fascia of the pelvic bowl internally and the energetics around it.

I work mostly from Sintra- Portugal, but also offer sessions in Amsterdam & Friesland Netherlands when I am there (multiple times a year).



Session of 2.5 hours, including an intake

150 euros

When the treatment started very quickly a powerful feeling of gratitude came over me. I felt truly honored. I had a pretty traumatic birthing experience but during the treatment I felt the tensions that held on tot that trauma released. It was as if I got to have the experience I would have liked to have had.

I also felt what it was like for my daughter to have been in my womb as well as the feeling of being in a womb myself. After the treatment my vulva felt very soft and juicy.
— Mira, Netherlands

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We take your pace. I have sessions that are super powerful, but don’t include intimate touch. When you know and can express your “No”, you also know and can express your “Yes”. And that is a big one to work with.

  • I don’t work internally when you are pregnant, because I believe the pregnant womb should be left alone and releasing a lot is not preferred. We can work with the energetics of the bowl from the outside like in a womb healing session.

    A Pelvic Care Session is a great treatment to include postpartum, to restore flow in the pelvic bowl.

  • Send me a message and we can have a quick call to see if and how we can work together. You can also schedule it here

    Any other questions? Just send me a message!