

Sintra area, Portugal & Amsterdam & Friesland, the Netherlands


My wish for every woman is to experience the beauty and richness of our feminine being. Because embodied & empowered women create a healthy balance within themselves and in the world.

As women, we hold a lot in our root, our Pelvic Bowl. Our Pelvic Bowl is the pelvis seen as a bowl with all our female organs, our ovaries and womb, in it. We can create new life from there, it is a beautiful place. But we can also store trauma and emotions in our bowl. The energy stagnates and the potential that lies in our bowl diminishes. In my work with the Pelvic Bowl, my aim is to bring back the flow in the bowl, so it can support you, hold you, connect you with yourself, others and mother earth. So it is the center of your feminine being.



Womb Healing

During a Womb Healing we dive into the wisdom of the Pelvic bowl, without physical touch. Exploring the depth of your being (online possible)

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Pelvic Care

In a Pelvic Care Session we journey together with the pelvic bowl (the space in the pelvis area, the womb, the ovaries and the tissue connecting them), to enhance vibrant flow.

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Working with your cycle isn’t just about tracking your phases. It is about creating a container for your feminine essence to express herself.

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Annelie her drums guided me towards my own darkest corners where her light shone and I felt save, strong enough to light my own torch. Where my voice was so scared to be heard, Annelie her voice became louder. In my experience, she represented each of the versions that have been living inside of me, dimmed, finally rose above. Like the voices of mermaids guiding their beloved ones towards home she guided me towards mine. A Pelvic Wisdom session is intense, vulnerable and at the same time offers so much safe space to discover what’s within you. I’m so grateful for this experience. I’m home.
— Raas, Netherlands

Embodying our fullness is the deepest longing of the feminine being. 


Hi there, I am Annelie

Over the last few years I worked with many women and every time I am humbled, deeply humbled. First of all by the women, who dare to explore their own root, their bowl and secondly by all the wisdom coming from the root. The wisdom shown is always the medicine needed in that moment. 

Read more about my own journey here


